Royal Archicofradía of Our Lady of the Rosary and Blessed Resurrected Christ

  • Our Lady of the Rosary.
    Chronology: Century XVII-XVIII.
    Style: Baroque.
    School: Grenadine.
    Iconography: Image of Gloria, carrying a Baby Jesus in her arms.
    Author: Unknown.


    Baby Jesus.
    Chronology: Century XVII-XVIII.
    Style: Unknown.
    School: Grenadine.
    Iconography: Baby Jesus of Peana (the Image does not correspond to the Virgin).
    Author: Unknown.


    Blessed Risen Christ.
    Chronology: 1959.
    School: Cordobesa.
    Iconography: Jesus Christ proclaiming his Resurrection.
    Author: Juan Martínez Cerrillo.


    Mary Magdalene.
    Chronology: 1989.
    School: Cordobesa.
    Iconography: Saint Mary Magdalene.
    Author: Miguel Arjona Navarro.


  • The first Sunday of Lent and the third Sunday of Easter..


  • It was founded after the Dominicans settled in Baena in 1529, being the holder of said Order, in 1548 the first document of its existence.

    In 1570 the existence of the titular Image of the Virgin of the Rosary with the Child in her arms, as an invocation of Gloria, is already recorded, as recorded in the inventory made in 1629.

    In 1925 the Royal Archicofradía and the 5th Gang of Black-Tailed Jews promoted the founding of the Procession of Easter Sunday. Acquiring an image of the Risen Christ in Zaragoza. This Image would be ceded to the Parish of Albendín in the forties of the twentieth century.

    In 1932 he stopped processing during Holy Week, although he would continue to organize the acts of worship as Brotherhood of Glory, disorganizing in 1936 at the beginning of the civil war, when part of his directive was killed.

    In 1959 the second Statutes of its history were reorganized and approved. The Matrix Brotherhood was reorganized, the Black-Tailed Jewish Peat was incorporated, and the Brotherhood of the Risen Christ was founded, acquiring a new Image.

    On July 2, 2010, the Bishopric of Córdoba ratified his last Statutes.


  • It is situated on the preferred side of the Church, being the holder of the Dominican Order. The definitive works were made in 1591-1595 by the Baenense carver D. Pedro Martín Ayllón, with decoration of frescoes in bright colors, of which some stucco are preserved.

    In 1703 the current carved and polychrome altarpiece was created, designed by Antequera D. Francisco de Asensio Carrizo, along with the three paintings that represent a Calvary, San Pedro Mártir and San Vicente Ferrer. The interior of the Camarín is decorated with a carving of gilded plasterwork, which is presumed to be made on the same date.

    As of 1995, the images of the Risen Christ and Mary Magdalene are also worshiped in this Camarín.


  • On July 7, 1857 Queen Dª Isabel II was registered as protective Senior Sister, at the same time as her husband consort D. Francisco de Asís, and her daughter Ms. Isabel Francisca de Asís de Borbón.

    The Queen would donate to the Virgin the rosary with which she married in 1846, a Royal Crown, a crown for the Infant Jesus, and a scepter, chiseled in silver and gilded in the fire, with beautiful rhinestones. These pieces were the work of the master silversmith of the Royal House D. Francisco Moratilla. The donation was accompanied by four beautiful scrolls.

    La Coronación Real de la Virgen se desarrolló el día 12 de mayo de 1858, día en que se hizo la entrega oficial. La tradición ha sido mantenida por los sucesores de la Corona de España, por D. Alfonso XIII en 1903, y por D. Juan Carlos de Borbón en 2004.


Foundation year: between 1529 y 1548.

Número of brothers: 104.

It is the parent Brotherhood of the Royal Archdiocese, worshiping a single titular Image, since its foundation, so it was indistinctly referred to as Brotherhood or Brotherhood. Therefore, it is of special obligation to worship and processionally remove Our Lady of the Rosary, as well as pick up and accompany the Royal Archicofradía and its Elder Brother, preceded by the Banner in the acts that require it. He was and is a Brotherhood of Glory, having participated throughout the centuries in numerous acts of worship and the most important festivities of the town with his Sacred Image.

In 1925 he joined the Holy Week parades, date on which he came to have at least 34 gangs that organized the more than 1,200 brothers who belonged to it. In 1990 he would hold his first Brotherhood Assembly, since he had previously been governed by what was agreed in the Cabildo. In 1991 he replaced the candles with silver staves, topped on his head with the anagram of Mary. In 1995 the Virgin came out again under the old Palio from 1960 to eight varales, this being replaced by a new one embroidered in gold on red velvet, over twelve silver varales, in 2003. The silver candlestick of the Andas is of the year 2010

In 2003 he recovered the October Besamanos on the occasion of the holiday of its owner. Convene two Ordinary General Assemblies the day before the Cabildos de la Real Archicofradía. It has Internal Regulation of 1999 and Regulation of Protocol of 2002. It has a limit of 150 brothers, representing the Hail Marys of a rosary, with 68 brothers each gang and 12 Albaceas brothers, plus two places for the Big Brother and the Waitress.


The shield of the Real Archicofradía, which is the Marian symbol in gold on a red background, surrounded by a black rosary and crowned by the Spanish Royal Crown. The Standard of the Brotherhood, which is also of the Royal Archicofradía, with the Image of the Virgin and Child on red velvet.

Two gangs of Cuadrillero, nickel-plated and with the golden shield of the Brotherhood on its head, and the Silver Rosary of the Albaceas Gang.

The Most Holy Rosary.

Regulation suit.

Red tunic, white satin cape and red satin peak cap, with the symbol of Mary crowned on the front of the capirucho and left side of the cape, blue cord, sock, white shirt and gloves, and black shoe. They carry a metal cofradiera rod, with the symbol of Mariano crowned on its head, and the Holy Rosary of jet to the neck.

Albacea's position already appears in the seventeenth century, recovering in 1959 and organizing in a Gang in 1996. He has Internal Regulations of 1999, his main obligations being: to carry out the clothing, assembly and care of the Images of the Royal Archofraternity , with the respect they deserve and collaborating with their respective waitresses; guard and care for the Shrine and Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary; keep intact the general ignorance regarding the internal structure of the Images, as well as the jewelry; ensure the proper development and order of official acts, censoring everything that opposes seriousness and showing the corresponding respect for the Images, emblems and Directors.

At the same time, as brothers of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary, they have all their rights and obligations, and their appointment must be ratified by the Cabildo.

Regulation suit..

Red tunic and red satin pouch cap with white tassel, with the symbol of Mary crowned on the left side of the capirucho, blue cord, sock, white shirt and gloves, and black sandal. The Holy Rosary of jet to the neck and the shield of the Royal Archicofradía on the left side of the chest.

Foundation year: Century XVIII. Incorporation to the Royal Archicofradía in 192

Number of brothers: 1.341.

  • 1ª Gang: 200 siblings.
  • 2ª Gang: 86 siblings.
  • 3ª Gang: 88 siblings.
  • 4ª Gang: 224 siblings.
  • 5ª Gang: 199 siblings.
  • 6ª Gang: 156 siblings.
  • 7ª Gang: 138 siblings.
  • 8ª Gang: 250 siblings.


In 1925 the 5th Gang of Black-Tailed Jews actively participated in the foundation of the Sunday Resurrection Procession; the following year, the rest of the Jewish Crews (9 Crews) were integrated. Currently the Jewish Peat consists of eight Crews, with their respective Squads and Boards of Directors.

The Peat, with the color of its costumes, the variety of its dusters and the noise of the drums, represents the people who lit Jesus of Nazareth and, later, rejoices in his Resurrection. Its current organization dates from the second half of the 19th century.

The following functions correspond to the Jewish Peat:

  • Escort the Images of the Risen Christ and Mary Magdalene with three drums, playing the one that goes in its center.
  • Escort the King of the Jews, with at least two Jews.
  • The "Step of the Evangelists."
  • Pick up for all Holy Week ceremonies.
  • Participate in the Consecration at Mass of Easter Sunday.
  • Attendance at all acts and cults of the Royal Archicofradía.
  • Appoint the King of the Jews, whose appointment will be presented to the Cabildo de la Real Archicofradía for ratification.


Traditionally, the minimum number of siblings to form a Gang cannot be less than twelve, with a citrator and a Gang, being dissolved the one that in three consecutive years will not reach that number.

The unified Protocol of the Black Tail provides that each year there will be two Boxes and Flags Grids, Steps and Fatigue, which will perform the tasks of collecting and all the others of the Procession, as well as the good order of it. The designation of these Crews will be carried out in an invariable turn by the correlative order of Crews.

The site of these two Quadrilleros in the Procession will be in the center and leading the Peat, while outside the Procession it will be on both sides of the Big Brother, except in the Visit of the Tabernacles, which will go to the head of the Peat with their Crews

In the Procession, the Boxes and Flags Squads will take care of putting drummers escorts to the Risen Christ and Mª Magdalena. He will also order or suspend the Evangelist's Steps.

The Peat must always escort the Procession to the door of the Church. Upon arrival, the Christ will be placed so that the two Flags of the same, the offices and the Peat of Jews make him a due inclination of respect. The Jews will lower their heads during the passage ahead of the Tabernacles and during the Consecration at the Mass of Easter Sunday.

All Jews carry a drum, except the Gang, who will use a baton with black or purple tassels as a symbol of their authority, and the two standard bearers, who will be the bearers of the two Peat Flags.

As for the drum's touch, the centennial spirit and tradition rules:

  • With the peat already formed, the Jew must follow the touch that marks his head and the Gang of his Squad.
  • If you are going to join your Gang in the parade, you will do so by the beginning of your Gang, greeting your Gang with a nod.
  • It will be avoided to abandon the formation in its route, doing it in case of extreme necessity and requesting permission from its Gang. When he goes out of it, he will do so without crossing through other Crews and Brotherhoods, even more so if they do not belong to the Royal Archdiocese.
  • The passage of a Procession will be respected, not playing the drum on the sidewalks or in the vicinity before the passage of it. Special zeal in this may be given to the passage of an Image or the passage of the Whitetail Peat. When crossing with an Image of Christ or the Virgin, they will greet respect with a nod, shutting up the drum.
  • When a group of Jews is found in the Peat, or is added to it, or the drums are silent.
  • The drum will not be played at the doors of the Churches during the celebration of religious services.
  • If a Squad goes with his cane and finds himself in the White-Tailed Peat, he will silence his drum
  • When the two Mobs are crossed, it is half a street for each one as long as both carry the two Flags. If any one carries only one Flag, it will yield the step to which it carries its two Flags.



a) Two flags of red silk or satin, on wooden pole topped with a metal spear.

b) Staff of control, that carries each one of the Quadrilleros.

Regulation suit.

The regulation suit of the Jews, popularly known as "the harnesses", consists of:

  • Black pants, shoe and sock, white shirt and colored silk scarf around the neck, fastened with a ring.
  • Red jacket with embroidered cloth or with a white jacket.
  • Morrión or helmet of golden metal of cuirassier with headpiece to cover the face, colored duster placed in the bowler hat and black horse bristle placed in the rasp.
  • Screaming Drum. This is formed by: a golden brass bottom, string with leather rings to tighten it, shrieks in its lower part, a goatskin skin in the beater and another in the curb (preferably also goatskin, although a long time ago the plastic was introduced in this part), golden metal key and wooden or beech wood rings.
  • Two oak drumsticks.
  • Tahalí.
  • The number of the Gang to which it belongs in the left flap, on a purple background, symbolic color of Christ.


Peat Trades.

Those offices that represent biblical characters and figures that actively participate in all official acts of the Peat and complement it to exert their meaning are called “Peat Trades”. The King of the Jews is appointed by the Cabildo, while the Evangelists are four volunteers who do their job.

Foundation year: 1959.

Number of brothers: 90.

This Brotherhood has a special obligation to worship and processionally remove its owner, the Risen Christ, as well as accompany the Royal Archdiocese with his Banner and Gang in their official acts that so require. The Brotherhood procession for the first time in Holy Week of 1960, on whose Easter Sunday the titular Image was blessed.

It would be divided for its largest organization into two gangs, whose brothers carried a candle. In 1983 his 2nd gang was reorganized, which would incorporate a hoarse drum, while in 1991 the primitive gang would replace the candle with a flag similar to that of the titular Image.

In 1995, the Brotherhood acquired some shoulders to carry the Risen Christ.


The shield is made up of the initials "JHS" surrounded by a crown of thorns.

The Banner of the 1st Squad, with the initials "JHS" on a white background.

The Banner of the 2nd Squad, with the photograph of the owner on a blue velvet background.

Two gang members, nickel-plated and with the Brotherhood shield on its head.

Metal pennant and with the Brotherhood anagram, and hoarse drum lined in blue cloth.

Regulation suit.

Gang of cofradiera wand: White lanca tunic, white satin cape, white satin beak cap, red cord, sock and white gloves and black shoe. They carry a golden cofradiera rod with a white satin pennant with the anagram “JHS”, with a cross and gold aggregate.

Grunt drum crew Blue velvet tunic, white satin pouch cap and red tassel, with the sign "JHS" on the left side, shield with the Image of the Risen on the left side of the chest, white cord, sock and gloves White and black shoe. They carry a husky drum lined with blue velvet and with white wooden hoops, and thick blue drumsticks.

Foundation year: 1988.

Number of brothers: 60.

This Brotherhood has a special obligation to worship and processionally take out its owner, María Magdalena, as well as accompany the Royal Archbishopric with his Banner and Gang in their official acts that so require.

The founding of this Brotherhood took place in the Ordinary General Council held on May 1, 1988. In 1990, shoulders were acquired to carry the titular Image, being replaced by new carvings and silver in 2005.

The Image performs the "Resurrection Pass" with the processional parade of Easter Sunday begins. In it, Mary Magdalene meets the Risen Christ after opening the doors of the parish Church.


The shield is made up of the Greek initials of Christ "XP".

The Banner with the photograph of the holder on a white cloth background.

The gang of the Gang with the Brotherhood badge on its head.

Regulation suit.

White cotton tunic, yellow silk cape, white silk beak cap with the Brotherhood shield on its front, yellow cord, sock and white gloves and black shoe. The brothers carry a metal and gold cofradiera stick, topped with the Brotherhood symbol on their head. The Andas brothers use a particular Goyesco style hat, with a front and covered face, a mixture of the Malaga style and those that were used in previous centuries during the Easter week in Buenos Aires.

Foundation year: 2000.

Number of brothers: 43.

The Roman Century has the special mission of escorting the Royal Archdioceship in all the cults and ceremonies celebrated. In official acts it must be formed by at least the Centurion, the two ends and the three standard bearers.

This Roman Century of the Black Tail represents the armed force of the Roman Empire of the 1st century. It has an Internal Regulation approved in its year of foundation, and its structure consists of: an armed section of swords, with 18 components, a trumpet section, with 38 components, a drum section, with 38 components, two of them with drums.

The Century is organized in the parades as follows: leading the Ensign with the Flag and the two standard bearers on both sides; the Centurion, which will carry a sword; the Section armed with swords, the Trumpet Section, preceded by its Cape; the Drum Section, preceded by its Cape; The two drums.


A script with the carved initials of “SPQR” (Senatus Populusque Romanus, the Senate and the People of Rome), escorted by two washings.

The sword carried by the Centurion.

Regulation suit.

Brown leather jacket topped at the waist with a belt of straps that fall on a short red skirt, and with short sleeves and straps, matching the skirt with straps. On the breastplate, an engraved metal breastplate, and on the shoulders bicolor long coat, blue and yellow. On the head, metal helmet with blue feather top, distinguishing the ends and Centurion for wearing them in red. Sandal "Cáliga" and bracelets on the arms. Drums and bugles.